Pattern Matching in Swift

I’m very happy to let you all know that I have finally and at long last published my very first tutorial ever at about pattern matching in Swift. You can read the whole thing here.

This is one of my biggest dreams ever finally becoming true since I discovered the website by mistake and accident back in 2012. There are quite a few people I am really grateful to and have to thank for making this possible – without them this tutorial wouldn’t have been published after all for sure and for good indeed. So without any further ado of any kind whatsoever, the credits and props go to the following:

  1. Steven Van Impe, the tutorial’s technical editor, for teaching me to simplify things and never create forced examples just for the sake of presenting and covering certain concepts and aspects.
  2. Andrea Lepley, the tutorial’s editor, for teaching me the great importance of segues and transitions while writing naturally in order to make the tutorial flow nicely from one section to another.
  3. Erik Kerber, the tutorial’s FPE, for providing a fast, efficient and effective final pass edit of the whole thing.
  4. Ray Fix, my Swift team lead, for his valuable feedback and improvements on the sample project and his constant encouragement and support along the way.
  5. Victoria Wenderlich for designing and creating the tutorial’s featured image and Twitter card.
  6. Ray Wenderlich for giving me the proper and required mindset, framework, tools and skills I needed to actually write the tutorial with his great inspirational speech.
  7. Greg Heo for inspiring me to recreate the tutorial’s theme with his awesome Programming in a Swift Style talk from RWDevCon 2016.
  8. My Mum and Dad for believing in me all the way and being extremely patient and very kind and supportive, even when I had to completely rethink, rework and rewrite everything from scratch all over again once more.

Stay tuned for a very big and nice surprise coming up next month – and thank you all very much and a lot for reading my blog – you are what’s making it all possible! Happy Swifting! 🙂

Posted in Swift

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